Building a Software Security Program On Open Source Tools

2 Day Training: Tuesday (10/23) and Wednesday (10/24)

Using the Software Assurance Maturity Model (OpenSAMM) as a framework, this course walks through the major components of a comprehensive software security program and highlights open source and other freely-available tools that can be used to help implement the activities involved in such a program.

The focus of the course is on providing hands-on demonstrations of the tools with an emphasis on integrating tool results into the overall software security program. Featured tools include: ESAPI, Microsoft Web Protection Library, FindBugs, FxCop, CAT.NET, Brakeman, Agnitio, Arachini, w3af, ZAProxy, ThreadFix as well as other educational resources from OWASP.

Attendees should finish the course with a solid understanding of the various components of a comprehensive software security program as well as hands-on experience with a variety of freely-available tools that they can use to implement portions of these programs.

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Dan CornellDan Cornell has over fifteen years of experience architecting and developing web-based software systems. He leads Denim Group’s security research team in investigating the application of secure coding and development techniques to improve web-based software development methodologies.

Dan was the founding coordinator and chairman for the Java Users Group of San Antonio (JUGSA) and currently serves as the OWASP San Antonio chapter leader, member of the OWASP Global Membership Committee and co-lead of the OWASP Open Review Project. Dan has spoken at such international conferences as RSA, OWASP AppSec USA, and OWASP EU Research in Greece.